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What does it take to be a crime writer?

 Writing crime novelsIt’s often said that you should write what you know, but I don't agree. I’ve never committed a murder, or been a police officer, and neither am I married to one. I’ve had no previous experience or knowledge of the law, except what I’ve read in crime novels, and I’ve never been to an autopsy, yet after many trials and tribulations I finally got the job as a crime writer. It’s my belief you should write what you are enthusiastic about, but you also need some additional qualities to make a writer, and in my case a crime writer.

Persistence and patience are essential in order to be able to ferret out the information you require. This can be research via the Internet, the library and/or by speaking to individuals.

When I first created the flawed and rugged Detective Inspector Andy Horton I approached Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police (the county in which my novels are set) and asked if I could talk to some police officers in the relevant departments. They let me visit them even before I was published which was very good of them. Now, after having several crime novels under my belt, I am very fortunate to have many police officers, and forensic scientists to call on for assistance.

However, beginner writers might not be able to access police resources especially as the police have suffered manpower cuts and are very stretched. The good news is that there is a wealth of information on the internet and by selecting the reputable sources you can glean a great deal of information not solely on police procedure but also on other research. For example for my 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries I delve into town maps, train timetables and even the weather forecast for 1950 and 1951, all of which can be found on the internet.

Patience is needed to track down, read and analyse the reams of information you gather, a tenth of which might be useful and only a tenth of that which might finally appear in your novel. So you’ll also need to be selective.

You need a keen interest in humanity, the ability to ask probing questions and listen to the answers. You should also have absolutely no desire to speak about yourself and your novel.

It is information you are seeking and you can only obtain this through asking questions, having a good ear and good observation skills, all of which can be gained when travelling by public transport, an absolute must for an author as it always provides lots of character sketches and snatches of very interesting conversations, the subject of which could provide ideas for developing the story. Alternatively, just sit inside a motorway service station one day and watch all humanity come through its doors!

Observe body language, and develop a good ear for conversation. Listen to mobile phone conversations, irriating as they may be they can provide a wealth of information on family and marital rifts.

All authors should have an open enquiring mind. Once you open your mind to ideas they can come thick and fast and they can come from anywhere – that overheard train or mobile phone conversation, that snippet of research you’ve just unearthed, a place you have visited or something you’ve seen.

So there you have it, no previous knowledge or experience required just the desire to create, write, observe, research, persist and be patient. Oh, and most of and enjoy.



About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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