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The sea, a nutty puzzle and the research are all my inspiration

There are lots of things that inspire me and three of them are, the sea, getting my teeth into a complex, nutty puzzle and the research around writing a novel whether that be location, historical or forensic reasearch, I love it all.

The sea is is a great inspiration and all my novels revolve around it so much so that it is almost a character, taking on life, creating and setting the mood.

I also love getting into a really complex puzzle that my detective has to solve. I love the "what if?” question which I am always asking and then hopefully answering during the writing of the novel.

The research element is also inspiring and I am fortunate enough to have police and forensic experts at the end of an email or telehone call to answer my questions. I have also spent time on the police launch with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Marine Police Unit.

And for my Inspector Ryga novels set in the 1950s I have been privileged to correspond with some fantastic serving officers from that era, and slightly after it, and have been assisted by members of the Police History Society.

 I'm grateful to all those who help me create my novels, and to my publisher, Joffe Books, for publishing them and especially to all my lovely readers for reading them.

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About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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