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Ideas, locations and research for the Box Set books 13-15

Boxed Set Solent Murder Mysteries 13-15The Boxed Set of the Solent Murder Mysteries books 13-15 is now available on Amazon Kindle, featuring the flawed and rugged Detective Inspector Andy Horton who battles to solve three puzzling crimes while searching for the truth behind his mother's disapperance when he was a child.

Read about the inspiration, locations and research for these three gripping, fast-paced mysteries set in the Portsmouth and surrounding harbours and the Isle of Wight.


The Guernsey Ferry Murders (13)THE GUERNSEY FERRY MURDERS (13) in the Solent Murder Mystery Series

The inspiration for Solent Murder Mystery, THE GUERNSEY FERRY MURDERS  came from seeing one of the regular ferry services sail from Portsmouth into the Solent and out around the Isle of Wight on its way to the Channel Islands, the Condor Commodore Clipper Ferry. The Commodore Clipper ferry is so much an integral part of Portsmouth and the Solent that it was inevitable I would feature it at some stage.

Read more about the inspiration and locations behind THE GUERNSEY FERRY MURDERS



The Rat Island Murders (14) THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS (14) in the Solent Murder Mystery Series

In THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS five skeletons are discovered on a small uninhabited island, owned by the Ministry of Defence, in Portsmouth Harbour between the town of Gosport and the city of Portsmouth.  Rat Island was used as a burial ground for French prisoners from the prison hulk, HMS York, between 1819 and 1854.

Read about some interesting facts I unearthed during my research for THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS.

In THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS I feature a couple of interesting locations, one is Rat Island in Portsmouth Harbour, the other is one of the Solent Forts, No Man's Fort, which is, yes, you've guessed it in the Solent between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.

Read about the locations used in THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS

I've been privileged to spend some time researching for my DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mysteries with the Hampshire Police Marine Unit.   They police one of the busiest stretches of water in Europe indeed in the World. And the marine unit features in many of my Detective Inspector Horton Solent Murder Mysteries.

On research with the Hampshire Police Marine Unit for THE RAT ISLAND MURDERS.


The Luccombe May Murders (15)THE LUCCOMBE BAY MURDERS (15) in the Solent Murder Mystery Series

Listen to the video where I talk about THE LUCCOMBE BAY MURDERS.  It is in this book that Andy finally discovers the truth behind his mother's disappearance over thirty years ago, while solving a complex, twisting crime on the Isle of Wight.

In THE LUCCOMBE BAY MURDERS DI Andy Horton discovers a buried body exposed during a landslip on the Isle of Wight.

Here are some snippets of forensic facts uncovered during my research for THE LUCCOMBE BAY MURDERS



All available as individual books on Amazon Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and paperback.
Boxed Set Solent Murder Mysteries books 13-15

Also available as a Boxed Set Books 13-15 on Amazon Kindle



About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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