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Do you ever get stuck when writing if so what do you do?

Writer's block is when an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. It can range from failing to come up with original ideas to being unable to produce any writing for years. I've often been asked if I have ever experienced this. I am pleased to say I haven't. There are however times when I'm not sure how to develop a character or plot, when this happens there are three techniques I employ and here they are:


I often write through it, pounding out words on the keyboard knowing they are rubbish but that eventually I will come out the other end with an idea which can be developed and licked into shape.  It is much better to have lots of words on that page/sceen than nothing and much easier then to edit, rework and build on.


I go for a long walk, usually around the harbours where I live, or deep into the countryside. This is not only great for thinking through plots but also helps to give me more energy, not to mention toning the muscles and keeping off the weight. And as my novels are set around the sea can at the same time stimulate plot ideas for future novels.


I pick up my knitting.  It is great for stimulating the creative juices and not only does it help when thinking through plots and characters but I also get a nice cardigan at the end of it!

 So there you have it!


Writing tips from Pauline RowsonMy three top tips for coping with or overcoming writer's block:

 1. Work through it, keep writing even if what you are writing is rubbish. You will come out the other side.

 2. Take some outdoor exercise, connect with nature, look around you, listen to sounds - or if the city or town is your preferred choice, or you have no other option, then walk the streets, look at the architecture, watch people - always good for helping to develop characters - don't worry about your novel or your writing, become absorbed in what is around you.

3. Take up knitting (or another creative craft and absorb yourself in it). Knitting, however is very good for stimulating the brain as the hand, eye and mind work in unison, and there is something soothing and yet invigorating in the rhythm of the needles.  You also get a very nice product at the end of it! 


About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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